Thursday, February 24, 2011

Parents visit in Hong Kong- from Guatemala- Don and Lilia Donaldson

We are truly blessed to have my parents visit us while in Hong Kong. They have sacrificed much to be a part of our lives while on this side of the world. Some of you may know that my father is an evangelist, bush pilot and artist. During this time here invitations have come to share the gospel through his art. He has given a few lessons and mostly touched the lives of the children at NIS- where Hannah and Mia proudly tell their friends, "these are my grandparents from Guatemala".

They are a blessing to us, and to the rest of the world. As I asked my students to reflect on a leader or hero in their lives, many come to mind. In my heart, I must admit it is my mother and father, who have shown me to give and give relentlessly to the world without expecting anything in return, but to glorify God, lead humbly and be in the will of God.

Thank you for coming Mom and Dad-- We appreciate it and Hong Kong is blessed to have you here.

My father drew two paintings- this one that truly touches many who see the hand of Jesus shedding his blood for this part of the world- East Asia. It is a moving painting.

Korea- Handong International Law School in Pohang

A wonderful opportunity to engage students in Global Leadership issues was a highlight of the month of February. Traveling to Handong University to deliver the key note program for the second and third year law students at the International Law School (HILS) was an amazing experience. This is my third time in Korea, however, my first to the Pusan (Busan) Pohang coastal area. It is considered the culture bed of the Silla dynasty making Gyeongju one of the leading attractions of Korea. Visits to museums the famous Silla bell and also the surrounding areas made this trip an amazing journey.

The most beautiful part of this trip to Korea was spending time with such gifted students with a passion to change the world- Handong's mission "Why not change the world?" I challenged the students to think on the question they are asking, charged them to have the answer and to move forward on leading the world through humility and a focus on becoming more like Christ. The discussions over 12 hours of lecture were truly rewarding. My time ended with a beautiful song- a song of blessing which is sung to those who visit. As students opened their arms towards me they sang- "may God give you peace, joy" in Korean. I could not hold back the tears, it was the most beautiful and life changing experience. The students are called at the HILS to transform the world through the exercise of practicing law- the practice is in truly reaching out to the community and to proclaim justice for the forsaken and oppressed (Micah 6:8- the theme verse of HILS).

I am not the same person after this experience, I am moved by my brothers and sisters in Christ who are truly changing the world and not focused on the accolades of a law degree but the love that can be shed by the knowledge they understand.

Discussions with Students-

During my time with the CUHK I will be involved in research with students who are in executive programs. The research will involve mostly a qualitative methodology of focus groups with interviews. The topic areas dsicussed in some of these sessions will be on leadership behaviors; mostly dealing with women in a leadership role.

Discussions in Business Diplomacy and Breakthrough

The Department of Management is the host of numerous events which feature speakers and guests from around the world. A recent presentation on Business Diplomacy presented by Dr. Raymond Saner, professor at the University o f Basle, Switzerland, and his wife Dr. Lichia Saner-Yiu initiated a discussion on the practice of doing diplomacy in a multinational organization. Business diplomacy is a relatively new topic area which leads corporations to focus and make knowledgeable decisions when things may go wrong. The point to be made by the Saner's is that business diplomacy is not intentional in many corporations but a necessary office in order to avoid political and cultural mistakes around crisis and issues with doing business globally.

Dr. Robert Lee, originally from Hong Kong but now resides in California writes about breakthrough when breakdown occurs in companies today. He has vast experience as CEO and also founder of his own company. With his 25+ years of experiences with business around the globe, he is a firm believer that companies today do their best work when breakdown occurs. The breakthrough moment is a simple concept for the rewards obtained from the breakdown which can be lasting. It is an inspiring concept to think that failure is OK- and that risk is good and at times it may not work, but in the long run it can provide a new answer.