Thursday, February 24, 2011

Discussions in Business Diplomacy and Breakthrough

The Department of Management is the host of numerous events which feature speakers and guests from around the world. A recent presentation on Business Diplomacy presented by Dr. Raymond Saner, professor at the University o f Basle, Switzerland, and his wife Dr. Lichia Saner-Yiu initiated a discussion on the practice of doing diplomacy in a multinational organization. Business diplomacy is a relatively new topic area which leads corporations to focus and make knowledgeable decisions when things may go wrong. The point to be made by the Saner's is that business diplomacy is not intentional in many corporations but a necessary office in order to avoid political and cultural mistakes around crisis and issues with doing business globally.

Dr. Robert Lee, originally from Hong Kong but now resides in California writes about breakthrough when breakdown occurs in companies today. He has vast experience as CEO and also founder of his own company. With his 25+ years of experiences with business around the globe, he is a firm believer that companies today do their best work when breakdown occurs. The breakthrough moment is a simple concept for the rewards obtained from the breakdown which can be lasting. It is an inspiring concept to think that failure is OK- and that risk is good and at times it may not work, but in the long run it can provide a new answer.

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